Xara web designer premium tutorial
Xara web designer premium tutorial

xara web designer premium tutorial

Enable Snap to Objects (the orange magnet icon on the Infobar will be in the down position). (You can change this width on the Infobar after you have created the star). Click and drag out a star that is 48 pixels wide. On the Infobar select 5 for the Number of Sides and click the Starred Shapes star icon. The size is not important, just that it be square and about this size. Select the Rectangle Tool, click on the page, hold down the Ctrl key and drag a square that is about 80 x 80 pixels. There are two ways to do this, we’ll start with the easy way and then I will show you how you can make custom website backgrounds like the ones in the Designs Gallery.

xara web designer premium tutorial

Finally, what we need to create is a small pattern image that seamlessly repeats on the website background such as the one I have created for the background on either side of this page. The website background pattern we will create will be a contone. The example on the right dem- onstrates this point. Import any photo into Xara, with the photo selected, click the white color tile on the screen palette. Am I right? Before we start, I need to explain that the repeating patterns are based on Xara’s Contone capability that can turn a color photo into a two color image. And if you weren’t the adventurous type, you would not be reading this tutorial. And if you’re the adventurous type, you can create your own repeating, editable background tiles. But what makes these new backgrounds different is you can apply a repeating pattern and then quickly alter the colors by dragging and dropping new colors onto the pasteboard background either from the screen palette or from the Color Editor. Xara has had the ability for some time to apply a repeating bitmap pattern to the pasteboard (the area outside of the page).

xara web designer premium tutorial

These cool background designs also come with Xara Designer Pro X9. Priester Xara Web Designer 9 Premium introduced Website Backgrounds (Designs Gallery).

xara web designer premium tutorial

Creating Website Backgrounds ©2013 Gary W.

Xara web designer premium tutorial